Resources Learn More About Scoliosis

If you or a family member has scoliosis (or suspected scoliosis) one of your first reactions will probably be to seek further information. Since scoliosis is a highly individual condition its very important you fully understand the options open to you before choosing a treatment approach. We also recommend a consultation with a professional as soon as possible.

This page lists resources which are a useful starting point for those just beginning to learn about scoliosis. This page is not intended to be an extensive reading list, but hopes to address as many of the immediate questions patients tend to have.



The following websites are an excellent place to start when learning more about Scoliosis:

The UK Scoliosis Clinic – One of the leading clinics for the non-surgical scoliosis in Europe, the UK Scoliosis Clinic website is a good source of further information on Scoliosis. We regularly post research and articles on all topics related to scoliosis

Scoliosis Treatments Reviewed – Another project funded by the UK Scoliosis Clinic, this site compares the treatments available for scoliosis today and can help you to make an informed decision when seeking help.

SOSORT -  The International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment, otherwise known as SOSORT is an international organisation that guides health professionals on the most up to date, evidence-based recommendations in relation to the conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. Reputable clinics should be able to demonstrate that they follow these guidelines.

The Scoliosis Association – Provides information and support for those suffering with Scoliosis.


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